Spare parts

Spare parts for dental instruments

Częsci zamienne do końćówek stomatologicznychOur company offers a wide assortment of spare parts for dental instruments by Bien-Air, Densim, NSK, KaVo, Sirona and W&H.

Spare parts for other dental equipment

Moreover we offer an extensive range of spare parts for Diplomat Dental units, Planmeca imaging, Cattani suction systems, Melag autoclaves and other dental equipment.

For more information please call us or send your query/order via e-mail.


Accessories and other products:

żarówka bien air Light bulbs for Bien-Air, NSK, KaVo.


Due to revolutionary dental units Diplomat you can provide your patients with really exclusive care – either during preventive examination or a difficult dental intervention. Their technical level, ergonomics and progressive design guarantee top quality moving your dental practice several evolution steps ahead of common dental surgeries.

EUR-MED Polska Sp. z o.o

EUR-MED Polska Sp. z o.o.
40-303 Katowice,
ul. Le Ronda 26
tel. (32) 204 32 48,
tel. (32) 204 25 99

Oddział w Warszawie
02-175 Warszawa,
ul. Pilchowicka 27
tel. (22) 832 76 01,
tel./fax (22) 832 76 00